Support Services

Support for former and current boarders and their families and those considering boarding.
We respond individually to all letters and enquiries, giving support and information about boarding survivor issues and by signposting to relevant professional bodies.
We hold an annual conference so that there is an opportunity for former boarders to find they are not alone as they meet others who share and understand their childhood experiences.  In the morning  we have designated speakers with specialist knowledge in the area of trauma, broken attachments and boarding schools, followed by a friendly and inclusive lunch and afternoon discussion groups for attendees to share their insights and experiences.
We support research in the field of Boarding School Survivors, and respond to research students’ requests to take part in their questionnaires by inviting our supporters to join in their studies. Many do so, and we invite researchers to present us with their findings.

We participate in, and actively encourage, publications in the field and we have recently published a book on the subject of Men’s Accounts of Boarding School: Sent Away.

We send regular newsletters updating our supporters on actions in the field of boarding schooling, news of our organisation and other topical issues.

We have a website that we regularly update with details of events and news in the field, a resource list with links to films made on the subject, book lists of text and biography on boarding schools and boarding school survivors.

The process of understanding and accepting boarding school trauma can be likened to a journey, similar to coming to terms with the grief of bereavement or other identifiable traumatic events. We have produced an A5 leaflet which introduces this idea. It can be printed and distributed freely.

Survivor Symptoms

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