
Natalie Wharton and Mariel Marcano-Olivier (2023) An exploration of ex-boarding school adults’ attachment styles and substance use behaviours, Attachment & Human Development, 25(6): 583-597

Simon Rees (2023) Youth Prisoners and Boarding School Children: Mental Wellness Issues and Therapeutic Responses, Dublin Business School: H Dip. thesis

Simon Crosbie (2022) Trauma, Dissociation and the Boarding School Experience, RMIT University (Melbourne): PhD thesis

Dawn Grundy (2021) An Exploration of the Trauma of Attending Boys Boarding School and its Impact on Adult Life, University of Chester: MA dissertation

Emma Hopkins (2021) Exploring the Impact of Attending Boarding School on Adult Wellbeing, Mental Health and Relationships, University of Essex: D Clin Psych thesis

Mairi Emerson-Smith (2021) Patients’ Experiences of Psychotherapy for Psychological Distress Attributed to Attendance at Boarding School, University of Essex: D Clin Psych thesis

Oyla Khaleelee (2018) Boarding School and Resilience, Attachment 12: 61–70

This paper presents some research about the reparative and damaging effects of two different types of residential home experience on the capacity to form effective relationships both within family life and at work. The first looks at the emotional effects on children and staff of living and working in a therapeutic community. The second examines the resilience of senior executives who have boarded as children and the impact of these experiences on their home lives.

Virginia Sherborne (2017) Exploring the Experiences of Counsellors Working with Boarders in UK Independent Schools. University of Nottingham: MA dissertation

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